
Top 5 Fastest Runners In The World

Becoming the fastest runner in the world is not easy. It takes lots of hard work, stamina, and practice which these runners have did. Do you know who they are?


Running is an Olympic sport and there are different formats of this sport but we will discuss the fastest runners of 100 meters in this. The sport of running needs a lot of stamina, hard work and most importantly your win depends on how fast you run. The runners of this sport run like a leopard and cover up the distance infraction of seconds for which we take minutes. This sport also needs physical and mental strength as well as concentration. When a runner starts a race their win depends a lot on how good their start was. Here we go with the names of the top 5 runners who have the record of the fastest running on their names.

Fastest Runners In The World:

1. Usain Bolt: (9.58 seconds record time for 100 meters)

The name of Usain Bolt at number one in the list of top 5 fastest runners in the world is I believe is expected by everyone because he is the biggest name of the running sport. He completed his 100-meter race in 9.58 seconds and make the world record of completing the fastest 100 meters race on his name. He has won 7 silver and 33 gold medals in his running career. He was born on 21st August 1986 at Sherwood Content, Jamaica. He announced his retirement in 2017 and is one of the best sprinters in the world. Before his retirement as a runner, the legend has set very tough benchmarks with his records for the current and upcoming runners.

Usain Bolt fastest runners

(Usain Bolt Instagram Account:

2. Tyson Gay: (9.69 seconds record time for 100 meters)

The second name in this list is Tyson Gay, who is an American sprinter. He was born on 9th August 1982 at Lexington Kentucky, United States. He is the second-fastest sprinter of the world who completed his 100-meter race in 9.69 seconds and 200-meter race in 19.58 seconds. Before him, it’s Usain Bolt who completed 200 meters in 19.19 seconds. The career-best races by Tyson Gay till now are100 meters in 9.69 seconds, 200 meters in 19.58 seconds, and 400 meters in 44.89 seconds. He has won 12 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze medals till now.

Tyson Gay

(Tyson Gay Instagram Account:

3. Yohan Blake: (9.69 seconds record time for 100 meters)

Yohan Blake is the third name in the list of fastest runners in the world and people also call him “The Beast”. He completed his 100 meters race in 9.69 seconds which is a tie with Tyson Gay. He finishes his 100 meters race in 9.69 seconds at the age of 19 and become the youngest runner to finish the 100 meters race under 10 seconds. He was born on 26th December 1989 at St. James, Jamaica. He has won 18 gold, 5 Bronze, and 4 silver medals in his career.

Yohan Blake

(Yohan Blake Instagram Account:

4. Asafa Powell: (9.72 seconds record time for 100 meters)

Asafa Powell was born on 23rd November 1982 at Spanish Town, Jamaica. He has won 5 gold, 3 silver, 2 bronze medals in his career. He has the record of completing 100 meters sprint in 9.72 seconds on his name which he made in an event that held in Switzerland. He has the record of completing 100 meters sprint in 9.72 seconds on his name which he made in an event that held in Switzerland. In the year 2005-2008, he has the record of completing the fastest 100-meter sprint but later it was broken by Usain Bolt in 2010 when he finishes a 100-meter sprint in just 9.58 seconds.

Asafa Powell

(Asafa Powell Instagram Account:

5. Justin Gatlin: (9.74 seconds record time for 100 meters)

Justin Gatlin is at number 5 in the list of the fastest runners in the world. He was born on 10th February 1982 at Brooklyn New York, United States. He has the record of completing 100 meters race in 9.74 seconds. His name could be at number  1 in this list because he had completed the 100-meter sprint in 9.45 seconds which was less than the Usain Bolts time but he denied for that title because he said he believes in that race he has been helped by the wind turbines. Later he was tested positive for amphetamine because of which he got banned from participating the international sports.

Fastest Runners

I don’t run to add days to my life, I run to add life to my days.

–  By Ronald Rook


If we say Jamaica as the land that produces the fastest sprinters then that is not going to be wrong. Because we can see in this list of top 5 fastest runners we have three from Jamaica who are justifying this.

“The information listed in this article is based on the various research studies and Reporter Aunty does not claim this. We are not promoting any particular country or athlete in this article. Please comment below and share your reviews about this list.”

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